Tuesday, March 15, 2011

1o Facts Ab0ut Cond0ms & 5 C0mm0n Myths Ab0ut Cond0ms

Family planning...hehex...play safe...


Here's a list of 10 interesting facts about condoms that you might not know. 
  1. On average, condoms hold about 4 quarts of liquid. That's about 16 cups or 1 gallon of liquid or 3.8 litres. That's larger than most Milk Bottles!
  2. Most modern-day condoms (over 90%) are made of latex, the rest from polyurethane or lamb intestines
  3. Ancient Egyptians reportedly used condoms as early as 1350 BC. These were reportedly made from animal bladders or intestines
  4. Over the years, a variety of materials have been used as Condoms. Among the materials were linen, sheep, lamb and goat intestines; fish skin, silk and thin leather
  5. Only Latex Condoms can stop the transmission of HIV. Tests have shown that Polyurethane and lamb condoms do not stop the transmission of the virus.
  6. Oils and most lotions will cause latex to breakdown. As such, only use water or silicone based lubricants when using latex condoms. It'
  7. Using 2 or more condoms at the same time is more dangerous than using 1. The friction between the two can cause tearing and ripping.
  8. Exposure to heat or sunlight or by age can weaken and harden the condoms, causing them to be fragile and tear during use. Always keep them in a cool and dry location.
  9. During World War II, condoms were used to cover rifle barrels from being damaged by salt water as the soldiers swam to shore.
  10. Condoms have been sold in vending machines since 1928

As always, remember that using a Condom is the safest and most reliable method of stopping the transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). However, it's always better to use 2 forms of contraceptives if possible to stop undesirable pregnancies.


There's a lot of misinformation about condoms out there and here are five, highly popular myths. Let's debunk them shall we?

1. Using Two Condoms Means I'm Safer 
No, you're not. The friction of the two condoms rubbing against one another actually increases the chances of the condoms breaking, making it more dangerous rather than less. Use one during intercourse and if you're worried, just purchase an extra strong condom. These are specially manufactured to be thicker and to stand up to even more abuse.

2. Condoms Don't Stop Pregnancy 
Wrong. Condoms have a 99.8% chance of preventing pregnancy if used correctly and all the time. That's higher than most other forms of contraceptives including the Pill! Of course, its always better to be using two forms of contraceptives.

3. There Are Holes in Condoms That Allow AIDS Through 
Partially correct. The HIV Virus can pass through natural lamb and polyurethane condoms. The only way to ensure that the HIV Virus does not pass is through the use of Latex Condoms. For those of you allergic - sorry!

4. Using a Condom Causes Pain 
Well, it shouldn't. Unless you are extremely large and have purchased a smaller sized condoms or are not using sufficient lubrication, there should not be any pain during intercourse. If it hurts, it's best to talk to a doctor - it might be something that requires medical attention.

5. It is Better to Use Condoms Together with Creams, Lubricants and Intimate Gels 
Yes and no. While creams and other gels provide additional lubrication which can make sex more enjoyable, it can also damage the condom. If you are using oil-based lubricants (e.g. Vaseline), your latex condom may thin out and break. It's best to use water based lubricants if you are using any.


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