Saturday, August 4, 2012

something attach to me~

do not know how to say it ....
ya Allah, please help me in facing all the obstacle toward me,
ya Allah, i hope i will be able to get through all these...
I am just a normal earth-being,
created by You, Allah Al-mighty...
but, sometimes, it does not feel right around me...

why? why? why?
it is like something has attach to me...
i know, maybe I am good at it,
but, there is a but and always have a but,
 I am just a normal earth-being too,
which created by You, Allah Al-mighty,
I need to rest.

rest from facing all these and leading others,
I realize what have You appoint to me,
every time there is a event,
I will be the one, among them...
why? why? why?

Dear Allah,
I try to keep myself strong and healthy,
doing what are right for others,
I will try not to think about myself to much....

Dear Allah,
i know and i should know,
and i obey it,
please guide me and help me,
to do things which should be done...
blessed me my beloved Allah...

a hafiz m
1.oo am, 04082012