Thursday, January 27, 2011

Robert J. Havighurst -Characteristics of Developmental Task-

Robert J. Havighurst

Robert James Havighurst (June 5, 1900 in De Pere, Wisconsin – January 31, 1991 in Richmond, Indiana) was a professor, physicist, educator, and aging expert. Both his father, Freeman Alfred Havighurst, and mother, Winifred Weter Havighurst, had been educators at Lawrence University. Havighurst worked and published well into his 80s. According to his family, Havighurst died of Alzheimer's disease at the age of ninety.

Stages of Development
"A successful mother sets her children free and becomes free herself in the process."
Robert J. Havighurst

Havighurst identified six major stages in human life. They are:
1. Infancy & early childhood (Birth till 6)
2. Middle childhood (6-12)
3. Adolescence (13-18)
4. Early Adulthood (19-30)
5. Middle Age (30-60)
6. Later maturity (60 and over)

Sources of Developmental Tasks
"The 2 basic principle processes of education are knowing and valuing."
Robert J. Havighurst

In Havighurst’s bio psychosocial model, the first important issue is biology, second is psychology and the last one is the sociology.
Havighurst identified 3 sources of developmental tasks:

1. Tasks that arise from physical maturation: Learning to walk, talk, control of bowel and urine, behaving in a acceptable manner to opposite sex, adjusting to menopause.
2. Tasks that arise from personal values: Choosing an occupation, figuring out ones philosophical outlook.
3. Tasks that have their source in the pressures of society: Learning to read, learning to be responsible citizen.

Developmental Tasks
(Ages 0-6)
Learning to walk. 
Learning to crawl. 
Learning to take slid food.
Learning to talk. 
Learning to control the elimination of body wastes. 
Learning sex differences and sexual modesty. 
Getting ready to read. 
Forming concepts and learning language to describe social and physical reality.

(Ages 6-12)
Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games.
Learning to get along with age mates. 
Building wholesome attitudes toward oneself as a growing organism. 
Learning on appropriate masculine or feminine social role. 
Developing concepts necessary for everyday living. 
Developing concepts necessary for everyday living. 
Developing conscience, morality and a scale of values. 
Achieving personal independence. Developing attitudes toward social groups and institutions.

(Ages 12-18)
Achieving new and more mature relations with age mates of both sexes. 
Achieving a masculine or feminine social role. 
Accepting one’s physique and using the body effectively. 
Achieving emotional independence of parents and other adults. 
Preparing for marriage and family life. 
Acquiring a st of values and an ethical system as a guide to behaviour. 
Desiring and achieving socially responsible behaviour.

(Ages 18-30)
Selecting a mate. 
Learning to live with a partner. 
Starting family. 
Rearing children. 
Managing home. 
Getting started in occupation. 
Taking on civic responsibility. 
Finding a congenial social group.

(Ages 30-60)
Assisting teenage children to become responsible and happy adults. 
Achieving adult social and civic responsibility. 
Reaching and maintaining satisfactory performance in one’s occupational career. 
Developing adult leisure time activities. 
Relating oneself to one’s spouse as a person. 
To accept and adjust to the physiological changes of middle age. 
Adjusting to aging parents.

(60 and over)
Adjusting to decreasing physical strength and health. 
Adjusting to retirement and reduced income. 
Adjusting to death of a spouse. 
Establishing an explicit affiliation with one’s age group. 
Adopting and adapting social roles in a flexible way. 
Establishing satisfactory physical living arrangements.

Robert J. Havighurst - Conclusion

Completing the Tasks

Havighurst categorised the tasks, in first category are the tasks, which has to be completed in certain period, and the second are the tasks that continue for a long, sometimes for a lifetime.

So what happens if the task is not completed in that stage or completed in a later date. Havighurst reply to that it is critical that the tasks should be completed during the appropriate stage, otherwise result will be the failure to achieve success in future tasks.


Havighurst’s developmental Task theory talks about the problem are faced by us in all stages of life and he explains them really well. We can all relate that biology has some kind of effects in our development, as well as psychology and society.

One things Havighurst seems to miss is that his solutions to this problems, it is not so clear in this theory how we sort out this problems.

When it comes to if he’s theory is scientific, it is hard to say, some part of his theory can be tested, equally some parts are very difficult to test.

Havighurst’s theory is easy to understand, and it is clear, there is no ambiguity. It is applicable to many cultures, even though he concentrated on middle class Americans.

It is disappointing that not many theorists are influenced by his theory.

get it from (

Monday, January 24, 2011

B.I.G...suda terbina insan guru dlm dri ini???

slm.....wa nak crita kit....
pa ya  BIG??
Bina Insan Guru...yg wajib dijalani o' miak maktb..
BIG ada dlm setiap sem..dri sem1 sampey la sem6...tht means (2011-2013).. =)
siri 1st trdiri dri 3 klas..TESL, KS, BM...
4o gurls and only 18 b0ys...
venue kat dlm kampus je..pdg IP KENT...
bila cita BIG...Hmx3,trbina udah kah insan guru dlm dri tok??
hmm..ya persoalan yg bsr...
mesti la blom...xkan la camping skali jak, 3 hari 2 mlm truz trbina insan gru ...
msti mok mkn msa tuk mmbina insan guru ba...
hope, before kluar mktb, wa dh sedia bna2 mok berkongsi ilmu dgn bdk2...
so, tuk mmbri lbh gmbrn pa ya BIG..wa decide mok share some pictures yg kwn wa mbik...hehex the show....
painting bendera kumpulan
sehari b4 camping BIG, mkrg need to prepare bendera, logo kumpulan, yale kumpulan and many more...
walaupun nmpak simple, tpi agar sukar jwak eh..
mok colour nya gik..mok campur2 warna gk..
by the way...wa yg tkng design logo, nma kumpulan, yale..
maybe wa agak dominant kt dlm kumpulan, sorie guy..hehex
wa ng cmya, sentisa mok d'dpn and 'menang'..

tapak perkhemahan

1st day of camping....cari tapak yg sesuai tuk mndrikan khemah...
then, drikan lah khemah...
lepas siap drikan khemah, mkrg boys g tlg gurls drikan khemah..
ada juak yg tlg polah parit..
wa pun da tlg buat parit..hehex
honeslty, tmpt tok cm sesuai mok santai2 waktu ptg...hehex

some of the camps
well..well...well....cuaca mmg 'baik' sprti yg dgmbrkn dlm gmbr sblh...sampey ke mlm...

orennye jacket

hm....jacket keselamatan plu dkmblikan ke stor...aktiviti air x jdi coz amaran dh dkluarkan dr jbtan...
hm...walaupun x jdi, ya ttp d'anggp dtunda, dn i.Allah, mkrg akn ada pluang tuk mnjlnkan aktvt air...

hahax..the only boy dlm gmbr ba brgmbr,bkn sakai ngga camera, bkn mok minta puji, cuma mun kta da lm gmbr, da jwak k kngan nak..hehex


yeah!...BIG siri 1......

my teammate..

eximius means excellent in Latin word...
I discovered the named with Thecla..
Initially, our group name was INTEL, then my teammates decide to change the name coz it sound weird..hehex
our 1st nite

malang x berbau...hujan turun dgn lbt dri Maghrib sampai ke tgh mlm...
mlm dlm keadaan yg sejuk, basah kuyup...
tpi, mamam ttp dutamakan...hehex

my teammate aka my classmate

Wawa, Thecla & Alicia...
Peninsularian , Sarawakian & Sabahan...

kusyuk nya...hehex 

wa mam ja apa yg dayang2 msak...x memilih sgt...yg pntg, ada mamam, and mamam free!!
wa x la jaik glak, cdak msak, wa kemas la, wa tlg cuci wak..hehex

2nd day of BIG 

breakfast ramai2 dlm kumpulan masing2..
1st nite tito kt dwn tun(gak slesa jwak la coz tito tas pentas)
pgi tok ada kembara!excited....~

yeah!..kembara pun bermula.

walapun kembara x jauh dri area IP, wa ttp sukor..atleast ada nak??hehex...
kembara tok, mkrg redah sawah padi, paya,  hutan..eiuwh!....hehex, tpi, best,adventurous!

tnang jak ati ngga surrounding yg bau hutan/environment yg
bergambar dlm hutan..
3rd day..buat persembahan.. =)
paling mantap!!
smua terlibat..eximius!!
final akivti tuk BIG yg 1st....

well....byk yg wa gain dri BIG yg pertma tok...
hope berguna tuk msa klk...
so, skian dri wa....

Monday, January 10, 2011

tak kusangka tak kuduga

ku tidur tak lena
teringatkan dirimu
terimbas kembali kenangan lalu
alangkah indahnya bersamamu

mengalir air mataku
menemani malam sepiku
ku rindu saat bersamamu
sukarnya ku untuk melupakanmu

dahulu engkau berikan cinta
mengapa kini engkau berubah
manakah janji akan setia menanti
jikalau engkau tak lagi cinta
katakan saja aku tak kisah
dari kau terus membuat ku menunggu 

tak ku sangka
tak ku duga
perpisahan yang akan melanda
dah ku cuba
namun dirimu pergi jua

cintamu bagaikan rembulan
yang hadir bila malam menjelang
kau hilang bila siang mendatang
begitulah sikap mu oh syg

kau lontar cintaku ditepian
ku bagaikan hanyut di lautan
yang lemas di dalam percintaan
dipukul gelombang keresahan

dahulu engkau berikan cinta
mengapa kini engkau berubah
manakah janji akan setia menanti
jikalau engkau tak lagi cinta
katakan saja aku tak kisah
dari kau terus membuat ku menunggu

tak ku sangka
tak ku duga
perpisahan yang akan melanda
dah ku cuba
namun dirimu pergi jua 

cintamu bagaikan rembulan
yang hadir bila mlm menjelang
kau hilang bila siang mendatang
begitulah sikap mu oh syg

kau lontar cintaku ditepian
ku bagaikan hanyut di lautan
yang lemas di dalam percintaan
dipukul gelombang keresahan

mengalir air mataku
menemani malam sepiku
ku rindu saat bersamamu
sukarnya ku untuk melupakanmu

saja ja, nak bergwang2...
ptg tok ujan, 
lyn perasaan jak gik... =l

Saturday, January 8, 2011

1oo truths about A.Hafiz.M


1. last beverage ~ laicikang..,bli d pekan tuaran

2. last phone call ~ a friend of mind...girl

3. last text message ~ poke!!

4. last song you listened to ~ mati hidup kembali - butterfingers (indie band)

5. last time you cried ~ last year, after solat isya' t'ingat condition dad yg semakin tua..


6. dated someone twice ~ urm??...x kot...

7. been cheated on ~ yes!!! for sure la....

8. kissed someone & regretted it ~ .

9. lost someone special ~ yes

10. been depressed ~ yes

11. been drunk and threw up ~ illegal.xbley. haram di sisi Islam... bnda ni, blum cuba lgi and xkan cuba...


12. choc (brown)



15. Made a new friend ~ yes!!..hahax...every year..lols!...

16. Fallen out of love ~ yes...!!!!!... =)

17. Laughed until you cried ~ yes...with my nakama!!...

18. Met someone who changed you ~ nope!...

19. Found out who your true friends were ~ yes!!since long time ago...

20. Found out someone was talking about you ~ no!!..hopfully nobody does so, but for sure ada la...sifat manusia ba..huhuy

21. Been to a concert? no!! x minat sgt, coz crowded...


22. How many people in your  fb friend list do you know in real life ~ lots of them, especially my nakama!

24. Do you have any pets ~ hahax...sorry ja..ska kcing, tpi tkt...!

25. Do you want to change your name ~ no.i'm happy with my name.!!..tpi dlu mama pernah bgtau, nama yg d'suggest Mohd Akmal tht,mcm ada related la dgn nama akak, maizatul Aqmar.. =) 

26. What did you do for your last birthday ~hppy!...celebrate dgn kwn2 tesl d medan the same time, celebrate thecla bday!...

28. What were you doing at midnight last night ~ on9, watching anime, OnePiece!.

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for ~ to tell the truth?? my sister wedding!..i want my parents sempt tgok cucu sblm drg ttp mta...!...really mean it!

30. Last time you saw your Mother ~ d KIA...bersalaman before i heading back to sabah!..

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life ~ honestly, my height kot!...

32. What are you listening to right now ~ nothing..

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom ~ x!..xda kwn nma tom...hahax

34. What's getting on your nerves right now - nothing . hahax...

35. Most visited webpage ~

37. Nicknames ~ apeace, sayo, ajin, apeace koop...

38. Relationship Status ~ hubungn x bernama....hua3!

39. Zodiac sign ~ Virgo!...

40. He or She? ~ He HaHa

41. Elementary ~ Sek Rendah Bantuan St. Anne, Sarikei...

42. Middle School ~ SM Sains Kuching

43. High School/College ~ IP kampus Kent, Sabah

44. Hair color ~ black

45. Long or short ~ short!...

46. Height ~ ntah..tpi pendek la...

47. Do you have a crush on someone? ~ yes!

48: What do you like about yourself? ~ everything~lalalalalalalala...hahax...lols!

49. Piercings ~ xleh la wei!...

50. Tattoos ~ no.xbley.haram & sakit...tpi .masa sekolah rendah pernah ada, tpi bkn kekal..cuci guna air, hilang dah...hehex

51. Righty or lefty ~ lefthanded

52. First surgery ~ buang nanah bisul...

53. First piercing ~ lols!

54. First best friend ~ hazwan bin nani...kwn dri kecik, dri tadika until today...rite now he's in ip miri..ambil course bm...

55. First sport you joined ~ bola tmpr...hahax...

56. First vacation ~ g KL!...around 4-5 years old...

58. First pair of trainers ~ ntahhhh.!...


59. Eating ~ nothing.

60. Drinking ~ laici....

61. I'm about to ~ gosok bju, prepared cloth for tmrow!...

62. Listening to ~ none!...

63. Waiting for ~ sombody reply my mcez!...hahax


64. Want kids? ~ insyaallah...more than 2...maybe six...3 boys 3 girls..amin!...

65. Get Married? ~ YES.dat's what i want in my life. lalalalala...lols! have my own fam!. 

66. Career? ~for sure..eng. teacher!...hahax


67. Lips or eyes? ~ own mum said it..

68. Hugs or kisses ~ both!

69. Shorter or taller ~ taller

70. Older or Younger ~ younger..

71. Romantic or spontaneous ~ both!!!

72. Nice stomach or nice arms ~ stomach...hahax

73. Sensitive or loud sensitive ~ sensitive

74. Hook-up or relationship ~ relationship!

75. Trouble maker or hesitant ~ trouble maker!..hahax


76. Kissed a stranger ~ lols!..never

77. Drank hard liquor ~ lols..never!...hahax

78. Lost glasses/contacts ~ yup!...

79. Sex on first date ~ hahax...for sure no...

80. Broke someone's heart ~ hm...pernah2...sorry, x sngja...

81. Had your own heart broke ~ yes.too much.:(... and too long...

82. Been arrested ~ nope!...

83. Turned someone down ~ lols...hahax...yup!...

84. Cried when someone died ~ yes...for members la...

85. Fallen for a friend? ~ yes.!...hahax,,,my nakama!...


86. Yourself ~ absolutely yes!!

87. Miracles ~ yes!!

88. Love at first sight ~ yes!!!

89. Heaven ~ yes!!!!

90. Santa Claus ~ erm...maybe,...hehex

92. Angels ~ yes!


93. Had more than one BF/GF ~ hahax...lols!...x

96. Ever cheated on somebody? ~ yes! terpaksa tipu.!!..sorry...

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? ~ my childhood time.still dunno about life.hohoho.!!//hahahx

98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be ~ the day i make my mum skt hti..incidently!...sorry mum...

99. Are you afraid of falling in love? ~ yes,no,yes,no,im not sure with my answer.hahaha!!!.. 

100. Posting this as 100 truths? ~ yes...walaupun hati sgt brt  tuk menjwb certain Q..huhuy....